Donate Today
We are a small, grassroots registered charity with a huge impact in our clients' lives. We provide our services free of charge to all clients, and we cover veterinary costs for our SafePet animals.
If you are passionate about people and their pets finding safety, please consider donating generously today. No gift is too big or too small.

Donate via
As a registered charity, we rely on our generous donors to keep us going! Your donations will help pets settle into their temporary foster homes and provide pet food, bedding, toys and other supplies while the pets are in foster care. By donating using the portal above, you will automatically be provided with a charitable receipt upon completing your donation.
To discuss large monetary donations, corporate sponsorships, or non-traditional donations, please contact our Executive Director, Hayley, who would be happy to discuss options.
In her own words:
"I am so very thankful for you and all you do to help people like me. Thank you for finding such an amazing foster for my cat, for ensuring that his diabetes was managed and that he was loved at a time when I couldn't take care of him. It's really hard to find someone who can take care of him with his medical needs.
It was such a relief that your organization took him in. I am so impressed with SafePet Ontario-- from the updates, to the compassionate understanding, to the generosity. Thank you-- from the bottom of my heart!"
Where does your money go?
The costs associated with running our pet-safekeeping and educational programs are high, and without your assistance we would not be able to provide safety for hundreds of clients each year.
We encourage you to give as much as you are comfortable with, to support us in our mission to save lives:
Provides a survivor's transport to and from the confidential pet drop-off location
Allows us to purchase food, a bed, and toys for a SafePet foster family that cannot afford to provide them for their foster animal
Gives a SafePet animal the option of exploratory veterinary care, such as X-rays, ultrasounds, or blood work
Allows us to supplement our "Emergency Fund" for emergency veterinary care if a pet arrives with active injuries or needs an old injury tended to
Gives us the opportunity to maintain two part-time staff members to coordinate placements, market our program to clients, and provide faster placement services for urgent situations

Corporate Sponsorships
If your business is looking to invest in a Canadian charity that has a real, measurable impact on the lives of the most vulnerable members of society, please consider partnering with SafePet Ontario as a sponsor. Our Executive Director would love to discuss ways in which we can work together to achieve more.
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