Ways to Give
Safe pets mean safe families. It's that simple.
The urgent truth is that the immediate need for our services is beyond what we can currently address. To help children and adults find safety sooner, all vulnerable members of a family system - including pets - must be given the opportunity to escape. Victims should never have to choose between leaving violence or leaving their pet(s).
They need our help, and we need yours.

In the past I have stayed in an abusive relationship
because I couldn't bring my cat with me to where I was living.
I'm fighting for a healthy and happy life for my daughter and I...
We both need our cat in our lives. She's family.
- SafePet Client -

Ways to Give
Become a Corporate Sponsor
If your business is looking to invest in a Canadian charity that has a real, measurable impact on the lives of the most vulnerable members of society, please consider partnering with us as a sponsor. Learn more about our current corporate sponsors, and their generous contributions to SPO, here.
When you give generously, sponsor our programs,
or host fundraising events in our honour, you help us get more pets - and more victims of abuse - to safety.
Where does your money go?
Our services to those escaping violence and abuse are free of charge to all clients. We cover veterinary costs, transportation, and also ensure that our confidential pet foster families incur limited costs for their pet's care. We provide regular updates to owners, and when pets return home we send food, toys, bedding, and leashes / harnesses as a "welcome home" package.
Through thoughtful investment from donors and sponsoring partners, SafePet Ontario can provide increased and enhanced programs and services that will help survivors and their beloved pets transition from fear and violence to freedom, stability, and long-term safety. With over 35 requests (and growing) each month for our services, the need for SafePet Ontario has never been greater.
Provides a survivor's transport to and from the confidential pet drop-off location
Allows us to purchase food, a bed, and toys for a SafePet foster family that cannot afford to provide them for their foster animal
Gives a SafePet animal the option of exploratory veterinary care, such as X-rays, ultrasounds, or blood work
Allows us to supplement our "Emergency Fund" for emergency veterinary care if a pet arrives with active injuries or needs an old injury tended to
Gives us the opportunity to maintain a small staff team to coordinate placements, market our program to clients, and provide faster placement services for urgent situations

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