Training & Education
Learn about the need for pet-safekeeping,
and about "the link" among child abuse, animal abuse,
elder abuse, and intimate partner violence.

Our Mission, Our Goals
SafePet Ontario exists to fill a dangerous gap in the family violence sector.
We are the only province-wide charity of our kind, and we offer educational
programs to shelters, workplaces, schools, and community groups.
We are also in the process of developing a training portal for on-demand courses.

Training & Educational Programming
Our training and educational programs are ever-expanding. We host a bi-monthly virtual Community of Practice for shelters and organizations interested in establishing a pet-safekeeping program (or who are currently offering pet-safekeeping). We meet on the fourth Monday (3:00 - 4:00pm) every other month via Zoom. To join our COP, please fill out the form below.
2024 dates: July 22, Sept. 23, Nov. 25
2025 dates: Jan. 27, March 24, May 26, July 28, Sept. 22, Nov. 24
We are also in the process of developing the following initiatives:
A dual-purpose manual and guide to start your own local pet-safekeeping program
On-demand educational courses and interventions tailored to individuals experiencing animal abuse, elder abuse, child abuse, and intimate partner violence in families, and the professionals with which they work
On-demand training for SafePet foster families, partner shelters, and veterinarians